The Big Blood Pressure Lie: More Side Effects Than Relief
Why blood pressure medication prescribed by doctors often doesn't help and how I lowered my blood pressure in a completely natural way - without medication and in just 2 weeks.

Hello, I am Monika Schwerte, 49 years old, and I have been suffering from high blood pressure for over 5 years.
I sat a little nervous in my doctor's office about my annual checkup.
I still think to myself: everything is routine, nothing new. I just had a headache every now and then.
Then my doctor, Dr. Schneider, comes in with this concerned expression and says, "Mrs. Schwerte, your blood pressure is too high again. I need to adjust the dosage of your antihypertensive medication again."
I gasped.
This is the third time he has adjusted the dose of my blood pressure medication.
5 years ago I was happy that I had a “solution” for high blood pressure and could “easily” get it under control.
But I'm slowly starting to feel like the blood pressure medication is doing me more harm than good.
I am getting more and more headaches, dizziness and I am constantly tired - all side effects of blood pressure lowering drugs.
However, I followed my doctor's advice and adjusted the dosage of my blood pressure medication; after all, he should know what's best for me.
At least that's what I thought.
A few days later I was talking to my best friend about antihypertensives.
She is a nurse and was able to inform me.
On average, each doctor has only 7 minutes per patient.
To save time, medications are always prescribed.
This is quick and relieves the symptoms.
What is almost never done: finding and treating the cause of the problem – because that would take too much time.
It is much easier to prescribe regular medications immediately.
Side effects such as headache, dizziness and fatigue occur in almost every patient.
Also the more serious side effects such as sleep disorders, allergies, skin reactions, kidney disorders etc. are quite common and make life unnecessarily difficult.
But that is accepted because high blood pressure is responsible for about 37% of all deaths in Germany.
When you consider that heart attacks, strokes, kidney damage and much more are the consequences of years of high blood pressure, it makes sense.
But even though antihypertensive drugs are not sufficiently effective in every third patient and do not help at all, they are still prescribed by doctors every time.
It was clear to me that I had to take blood pressure lowering medication, even though it wasn't doing me any good.
I saw no other solution.
But then came a formative event that completely changed my attitude: my uncle.
In this article, I want to show you how I managed to stop taking my blood pressure medications and still maintain healthy blood pressure – with no side effects and less than a minute of effort per day.
You will learn what role natural remedies play in preventing you from having to turn your life 180 degrees.
Together we look at the options we have, in addition to the medications that are often hastily prescribed.

Happy author with a healthy heart
My personal story
Now my blood pressure was 149 over 88 again.
And this is despite the fact that I had been taking blood pressure lowering medication for years.
But for me it was normal and I had to accept the side effects because the consequences of untreated high blood pressure are much worse.
Just a few days after my doctor readjusted my blood pressure medication, a formative event occurred that completely changed my life and opened my eyes:
My uncle.
He had a heart attack, even though, like me, he had been taking blood pressure medication for years.
I then visited him in the hospital and we also talked about my high blood pressure.
As fate would have it, next to him was a woman who had broken her leg and was visiting her husband.
It turns out that he is a naturopath and specializes in the subject of high blood pressure.
He has over 63 years of experience in this field and has helped thousands of patients naturally control their high blood pressure.
We got to talking and he explained in detail how you can naturally support your blood pressure and stop taking your medication.
He stressed that many people resort to medication too quickly and that doctors often prescribe antihypertensive drugs without thinking.
After talking intensively about the subject for over 3 hours, I was impressed by the depth of knowledge that Bodo had.
In addition to being a naturopath, he was also active in clinical research and led numerous studies on the subject of high blood pressure.
His argument that a natural approach is often underestimated was sound and supported by research.
Very few people actually know this: the research situation on high blood pressure in connection with natural plant substances is now very strong.
But you never hear about it because the pharmaceutical industry can make much less money from natural, plant-based substances than from synthetic drugs produced in a laboratory.
Bodo showed how small lifestyle changes combined with natural supplements can have a significant impact.
And he promised to bring me and my uncle a surprise next time.
I wrote down everything he said and decided to share it with you.
But so that you first understand how dangerous high blood pressure actually is, I have also researched and researched some facts.

These results were normal for me
Three in ten adults in United Kingdom suffers from high blood pressure
Did you know that three in ten adults in United Kingdom suffers from high blood pressure?
This is also evident from a study by the Office for National Statistics.
So about more than 4 million people.

Three in ten people suffer from high blood pressure in the UK
From the age of 70, 3 out of 4 people suffer from high blood pressure.
Do you know what's particularly interesting?
One in five people doesn’t even know they have high blood pressure!
This is mainly because high blood pressure is known as a "silent health condition."
Symptoms often only become noticeable when it’s already too late.
If you don’t pay attention to high blood pressure, it can worsen without you realizing it.
This can lead to serious health problems, such as heart damage, stroke, or a heart attack. That’s why good prevention and treatment are extremely important.
High blood pressure is usually diagnosed using a blood pressure monitor.
This measurement provides two values:
1. the systolic (upper) value, which indicates the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats,
2. and the diastolic (lower) value, which measures the pressure between heartbeats when the heart is at rest and filling with blood.
The values are given in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

Where are you on the scale?
Blood pressure lowering drugs at alarming record levels
High blood pressure medications are by far one of the most commonly prescribed medications in United Kingdom.
In its press release of July 2023, the Techniker Krankenkasse even reports that the number of prescriptions has doubled since 2000.

There are different groups of antihypertensive drugs.
Most used:
- ACE inhibitor
- Beta blockers
- Saratan
The medication prescribed to you by your doctor will depend largely on your own possible pre-existing conditions and the individual doctor.
Antihypertensives and their pitfalls
Because a single drug is often not enough to dramatically lower blood pressure, up to 78 percent of patients with high blood pressure receive two (!!) or more different drugs at the same time.
This can increase not only the desired but also the unwanted effects of the medication!
For example, ACE inhibitors can cause fatigue, dizziness, headaches and digestive problems.
A common problem is also the dry, irritating cough, which affects approximately 33 percent of patients.

Saratans, on the other hand, which are often prescribed as an alternative to ACE inhibitors, can also lead to dizziness and kidney problems.
Beta-blockers may make you feel tired, dizzy and give you a headache.
They also slow your heart rate, which can cause you to black out when you stand up.
And they can cause weight gain and make it harder to lose weight.
In addition, antihypertensives are not compatible with antibiotics or other medications, which is often forgotten.
Not to mention the constant burden on the liver, which has to break down all the medications.
And the worst part is: antihypertensives do not address the root cause of the problem, they only relieve the symptoms.
This can cause problems, especially after years of use.
Most people with high blood pressure now routinely use antihypertensive drugs without being aware of the long-term side effects.
That's exactly how it was for me - until my eyes were opened.
There are no medications that help without side effects and are a sustainable long-term solution.
When it comes to natural approaches to high blood pressure, things are different.
The first step is to understand what causes high blood pressure.
The reasons for high blood pressure
Have you ever wondered where high blood pressure actually comes from?
Doctors like to explain it as too much stress.
But has a doctor ever explained to you exactly what happens in your bloodstream when your blood pressure is too high?
This is how Bodo explained it to me:
High blood pressure occurs when blood flows through our blood vessels at a pressure that's too high.
This happens especially when the small blood vessels in our body are narrowed.
This is often genetically determined.
But people without family members that has high blood pressure are also increasingly affected.
This is mainly due to unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, obesity and especially smoking and alcohol consumption.
All of this narrows the blood vessels.
Imagine your blood vessels as tubes through which blood flows.
When the heart pumps blood and the blood vessels are narrowed, it has to use much more force to compensate for the narrowing.
This increases the pressure in the blood vessels (the tubes).
Constantly pumping with too much force can strain the blood vessels and permanently increase blood pressure.
Our blood vessels need to be flexible and strong to withstand the pressure of the blood as it flows through them.
But over time, when blood vessels become stiff and weak, problems arise.
This is like when a rubber band that is normally stretchy becomes hard and can no longer be easily stretched or squeezed to change blood flow.
Deposits then form on the walls of the vessels to repair the weak spots.
A so-called atherosclerosis.
This causes the blood vessels to narrow and the blood pressure must increase so that sufficient blood can flow through the body, including through the narrower blood vessels.
This increases the risk of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes.
In addition to an unhealthy lifestyle and psychological stress, the reason for this can also be due to too much acidity, oxidative stress or a deficiency of certain nutrients.
However, these factors often receive little attention in traditional medicine.

What should I pay attention to?
Very simple: the fluidity of the blood.
But how can I naturally support fluidity?
Bodo, the alternative practitioner, explained this very well:
Our body needs certain nutrients to maintain the blood vessels.
However, most people miss out on these nutrients because they don't get enough of them through their diet.
It is no wonder that over time blood vessels become stiff and weak.
And because Bodo knew this, he spent years researching different nutrients that contribute to vascular health.
He selected the following nutrients:
1. OPC
OPC stands for “Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins” or “Oligomeric Procyanidins”.
They are natural plant substances, more specifically bioactive substances, found in various plants, especially grape seeds.
That is why OPC is also called grape seed extract.
These compounds belong to the group of flavonoids and are known for their powerful antioxidant properties.
Antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals in the body that can cause cell damage.
OPC properties include supporting heart health, promoting healthy skin, improving blood circulation, and even lowering blood pressure!
This was already proven in a 2021 study.

After 16 weeks, systolic blood pressure (ie, the first number) had decreased by 4.6 mmHG and diastolic blood pressure (ie, the second number) by 3.2 mmHG.
A really big difference, but especially the effect of the antioxidants on my blood vessels and the improved blood circulation were the reasons why I definitely wanted to use OPC.
2. Coenzyme Q10
You may have heard of this before.
Coenzyme Q10, often abbreviated as CoQ10, is a natural substance found in the body that plays an important role in energy production in cells.
It is similar to a small tool or a kind of 'fuel' for the cells.
CoQ10 helps cells produce energy from the food we eat.
This energy is then used by the cells to maintain all functions in the body.
It is especially important for organs that require a lot of energy.
Just like the heart.
In 2007, a study was conducted among over 350 patients to check the effect of coenzyme Q10 on high blood pressure.

A reduction in systolic blood pressure of an average of 16.6 mmHG and diastolic blood pressure of 8.2 mmHG was achieved!
There were no changes in values in the placebo group.
3. Black garlic
Black garlic is garlic that is produced through a special fermentation process, also called 'aging'.
During this process, regular white garlic turns into black garlic.
The compounds in garlic can naturally thin the blood, improving blood circulation.
They also have positive effects on the strength, relaxation and dilation of blood vessels.
Therefore, taking garlic extract may help improve blood flow and promote vascular health.
Black garlic has also been studied in studies for its effects on high blood pressure.
As shown here, for example, in a 2016 study:

During twelve weeks 88 GPs and their patients participated. Compared to the placebo group the systolic value was reduced by 11.5 mmHG and the diastolic value by 6.3 mmHG.
4. Potassium
By the way, there is also a study on this from 2013.

A reduction in blood pressure was also achieved in 1,606 participants compared to a placebo group.
In this case the systolic was 3.49 mmHG and diastolic was 1.96 mmHG.
Potassium also counteracts the negative effects of sodium, i.e. salt, relaxes blood vessels and can help reduce plaque buildup in artery walls.
These 4 “miracle cures” are the secret of Bodo!
They are good for the health of the blood vessels and have also been proven to have a positive effect on blood pressure – as in hundreds of Bodo patients.
To test the 4 miracle cures, I wanted to order them individually to my home.
But as luck would have it, during our last visit Bodo gave my uncle and me the promised 'gift'
It was called 'Heart Health blend'.
As the name suggests, it is intended for the natural stabilization of blood pressure.
These are capsules that contain the above mentioned high quality ingredients.
It has helped all of Bodo's patients and is made by a Europe based business called Greenleaf Blends.
But what I especially liked was the origin and quantity of the individual components in Heart Health blend.
Hand-picked French grapes are used for the OPC and the garlic used as the basis for the black garlic is wild.
All 4 substances are dosed as in the studies and are perfectly matched to each other.
So it was time for my own experiment!
My experiment with blood pressure (Bodo's miracle cure)
I am usually very skeptical about the effects of nutritional supplements.
I prefer to trust medicine.
In this case I could easily demonstrate that the blood pressure capsules helped and that they had no side effects.
I also learned more about Greenleaf Blends and saw that they will refund the full purchase price if you are not satisfied.
That's a very good sign!
My plan was to measure my blood pressure every day (morning and evening) to see if it improved.
After a week of use my blood pressure had already returned to a normal range of 130:70.

This is what my values look like now
So I decided to halve the dose of my blood pressure medication and see what happened.
And nothing happened!
The blood pressure stayed at 130/70 and that was only after a week and on half the dose of my blood pressure medication.
Unfortunately, in the beginning I only had one jar of the Heart Health blend.
Because when I wanted to order more, it was sold out!
I had to wait 2 weeks for them to become available again and my blood pressure got worse again.
Now I immediately bought 3 jars.
My blood pressure has now normalized to 125:82 and I have completely stopped taking my blood pressure medication.
1 can lasts a whole month and if you order 3 cans, you can save more money!
So that means it's only 76 cents a day - much less than my blood pressure medication was costing me.
And the result is stunning!
Even my doctor was amazed that I got my blood pressure under control and no longer needed to take medication.
What I also noticed: I felt more productive and surprisingly my headaches were gone too.
As you can see: I am a total believer in Heart Health blend - just like thousands of others and even my doctor.
I can only recommend that you just give it a try.
You have nothing to lose. Only with warranty you can improve your quality of life.
Greenleaf Blends offers a 30-day money-back guarantee.
That's why I'm linking you here to the Greenleaf Blends online shop, where you can also order exactly the same product.
Now click on the button and check the availability of the blood pressure
What I like about Heart Health blend
- It is produced by a renowned company in Europe
- The composition is clear. You can tell that the current study situation was taken into account when developing the product.
- Greenleaf Blends offers the product at an absolutely fair price. Other lung supplements, which are of lesser quality, sometimes cost €60-80 or £49-66 per month together. Heart Health blend is already available for €23 per month.
- The ingredients convince with their highest purity and quality.
- I think the packaging is beautiful.
- I only have to take 3 capsules a day to support my blood pressure.

About Monika
Monika Schwerte, 49, faced a challenge when she was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Initially reluctant to rely on medication, she sought alternative ways to improve her health. Today, she feels more vital and energetic than ever before. Through her own journey, she hopes to provide inspiration and support to others facing similar challenges.
Due to the many positive feedback, I have once again answered some frequently asked questions:
Should I continue taking my blood pressure medications despite taking my Heart Health blend?
Yes, definitely! Please do not stop taking your medication. Heart Health blend is not a medicine for high blood pressure. It simply supports healthy blood pressure. We recommend that you also take Heart Health blend in addition to your medication. When you feel better, you can – in consultation with your doctor – gradually reduce your medication. It is best to do this while regularly checking your blood pressure.
What is the best way to take Heart Health blend?
3 capsules are best recommended after a main meal.
What ingredients does Heart Health blend contain?
Heart Health blend contains grape seed extract, i.e. OPC, potassium, coenzyme Q10 and black garlic extract.
How long before I notice a change?
Herbal supplements have different effects for everyone, because each body determines how it works with the ingredients it contains. Therefore, a general answer cannot be given. However, there is some feedback from many customers in which the first effects are reported after almost 3 weeks of regular use.
Is the product suitable for pregnant women?
Yes, the product is suitable for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.
Is there a warranty?
Greenleaf Blends offers a 100% satisfaction promise. If you notice within 30 days that you are not completely satisfied with the products, you can simply return the product in question and get the full purchase price back.
Who is behind Greenleaf Blends?
Greenleaf Blends is a Europe based business, and their mission is to boost your health and well-being with a unique mix of tradition, scientific insights and the power of nature. These three elements are the pillars of their philosophy and approach, and each plays a vital role in how their products are designed and how effective they are.
