How I finally found my path to getting back in shape after years of frustration
My journey to weight loss is finally showing results. Read my story below to discover why some approaches didn't work for me at first and what ultimately made the difference.

Hello, my name is Barbara and I've been on a journey to improve my health and well-being for ten years.
Since becoming a mother a decade ago, I've noticed significant changes in my body, including my weight. For a long time, I didn't understand why.
If you're reading this article, you might be on a similar path to better health and losing those pounds.
So I don't have to explain how challenging this journey can be.
Therefore, I'll spare you the details about self-doubt and the impact on daily life.
What I want to talk about, however, is the general judgment from others.
People often say, "Just exercise more", or "Just eat more healthily."
Or my favourite: "If you just eat less, you'll feel better. It's not that difficult."
I started to believe these people.
And then I felt even worse as one lifestyle change after another didn't work for me.
Now I know: Simply eating less or exercising more is not always the solution.
Yes, I understand the basics of nutrition and how our bodies use energy.
In theory, you'll see changes if you adjust your food intake and activity levels.
In practice, however, this is not always the case.
For example, I followed a plant-based diet for five years.
No animal products. Lots of vegetables, few carbohydrates.
I carefully monitored my food intake - 1,600 calories per day.
The theory goes that I should have seen significant changes in my weight.
Unfortunately, that didn't happen.
It just didn't make sense to me.
How was it possible that I could eat so carefully and yet I didn’t see the changes I was hoping for?
Today I know what it was.
I missed a crucial piece of the puzzle.
After more than 10 years of searching, I made a decisive discovery
I found a method that allowed me to lose significant pounds in just a few weeks.
After three months, the results were even more impressive. And I have been able to maintain my new healthy lifestyle to this day.
I feel more vibrant, more active, and full of energy.
I accomplished all of this without drastically changing my diet or resorting to extreme measures.
And best of all, it's a completely natural approach that has even improved my overall health indicators.
But that's not all: during my research, I also discovered why so many people find it so challenging to achieve their wellness goals, even though they are mindful of their eating habits and make healthy choices.
I found out what the hidden obstacle is that must be overcome to finally make progress.
If you're facing similar challenges to my own, be sure to read this article.
In recent years, I have poured my heart and soul into this subject and searched tirelessly for a solution to my struggles.
I would now like to share my findings with the world. Because I'm sure they will help you too.

So far, I have been able to maintain my wellness goals effortlessly
How did I come to this discovery and what is it about?
As mentioned above, not only have I tried all kinds of eating plans, but I have also followed a plant-based diet for five years.
None of the approaches I tried worked for me long-term.
With the most promising methods, I saw positive changes in the first few weeks, but after a while, I was back to where I started.
You can imagine how frustrating that is.
You struggle through restrictive eating and go without all kinds of foods for months - only to end up seeing no lasting changes or to lose progress due to the rebound effect.
Or like me: you see initial improvements and after that it just doesn't work anymore. It's as if the body is saying, "this far and no further".
When I started documenting my food intake in detail over a six-month period, I realised something was off.
I ate what I thought was an appropriate amount for my height and build.
According to various online calculators, this should have led to positive changes.
Nevertheless, I saw no changes on my wellness journey.
It felt as though my body had a plan other than improving my health.
It was as if a handbrake had been pulled somewhere in my body, causing my progress to simply stop.
But that wasn't all: I also felt more and more tired and lethargic.
It was very difficult not to fall into a downward spiral.
With great effort, I still dragged myself to the gym twice a week.
But nothing got better.
To make matters worse, there was a very unpleasant event in my life at that time.
No, thank goodness it wasn't my wedding.
It was a class reunion.
The class reunion challenge or the missing piece of the puzzle?
I was never particularly concerned about my body shape when I was younger, but I wasn't the most health-conscious either.
Admittedly: I haven't always eaten healthy, especially in my youth.
For breakfast, we enjoyed sugary cereals, fruit juice, and delicious pastries.
I felt all the more nervous thinking about the upcoming class reunion.
What would my former classmates think of me?
Barbara, who now looks much worse than she did in her school days?
As is often the case in life, people worry unnecessarily about future scenarios that never come true.
My appearance was of course a topic of conversation. And at first, I found that uncomfortable.
But my classmates were also available with advice and support.
To be precise, it was my friend Sabine who approached me about this.
Sabine studied medicine after leaving school and met her husband, Oliver, a respected nutrition expert from the US, whom she met during a semester abroad and who now lives and works in Berlin.
When I told her about my struggle to improve my weight despite my best efforts, her interest was immediately piqued.
That sounded familiar to her.
Her husband Oliver had often encountered similar situations in his practice. It was anything but surprising to him.
Sabine kindly offered for me to go to her husband's office for a consultation.
That's exactly what I did a week later.
A surprising discovery about my body's balance
Oliver warmly welcomed me to his office and got straight to the point.
When I told Oliver about my many unsuccessful attempts to improve my health, he immediately had some thoughts.
He said:
'When I hear that people don't see changes despite their best efforts and often feel tired, then in most cases this has to do with the body's overall balance.'
One organ in particular is responsible for maintaining this balance:
The liver.
So Oliver suggested we began with a detailed health assessment.
Two weeks later, I was back at his office in Berlin.
The result of the assessment was eye-opening.
Despite my now healthy, low-fat diet, my cholesterol was slightly off balance.
When I asked, I discovered that nutrition only has a limited effect on these values.
Much of this is influenced by our genes and is linked to our eating habits at a younger age.
Some of the test results suggested that my body wasn't processing fats and sugars as efficiently as it should.
Other indicators were borderline, showing that my body was under some stress but hadn't yet reached a critical point.

Elevated gamma-GT, AST, and ALT levels may indicate liver concerns
“There's a good chance you have a liver with excess fat accumulation,” Oliver told me at the time.
Understanding liver values and indicators
In my case, the health indicators spoke a clear language.
If certain values, like gamma-GT, are elevated, this can be a sign that your body is working overtime to process what you eat and drink.
If other indicators, like ALT and AST, are elevated, you might be experiencing some internal stress or inflammation.
However, you should also be careful with interpreting these indicators - even if the numbers look good on paper, you might still be experiencing challenges with your liver.
That's why Oliver recommends listening to your body and paying attention to how you feel first and foremost.
Unexplained weight gain, stubborn belly fat despite dieting, and severe fatigue even after adequate sleep are among the symptoms to watch out for.

What is liver with excess fat accumulation?
Liver with excess fat accumulation is a term used when a large proportion of the liver cells contain fat.
Just as our body can store excess energy externally, it can also accumulate internally - sometimes even affecting our organs.
That is why people with extra weight may also experience internal imbalances.
It's estimated that a significant portion of the Dutch population might be dealing with liver with excess fat accumulation.
This is because the classic symptom - a feeling of pressure in the upper right abdomen - often only occurs in advanced stages.
Symptoms such as difficulty achieving weight goals despite your best efforts, dry skin and itching, excessive sweating and constant fatigue are much more common.
Liver with excess fat accumulation often progresses through different stages:
- Early stage: At this point, there might be no noticeable symptoms because the affected area doesn't have pain receptors. However, the body's internal balance is already off.
- Middle stage: As the imbalance progresses, the body starts to react. You might experience a feeling of pressure in the upper abdomen, bloating, and often a feeling of fullness.
- Advanced stage: If left unaddressed, the imbalance can reach a point where changes become difficult to reverse.
It's estimated that just under half of those affected may see their condition progress from the early to the middle stage.
The most severe stage occurs in a smaller percentage of cases.
People carrying extra weight, including an increasing number of children and young people, are often more susceptible to liver with excess fat accumulation.
“An unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, or another illness can cause liver with excess fat accumulation to develop."
- Amsterdam University Hospital
These internal imbalances often arise from unhealthy lifestyle choices or the use of strong medications for other health conditions.
We might call this a "non-alcoholic liver with excess fat accumulation".
Sugar, in particular, plays a major role in these imbalances.
Oliver showed me a relevant study that highlighted this connection.

This study showed that high consumption of fructose and sugar can lead to liver with excess fat accumulation and even affect gut difficulties in our digestive system.
The challenge? It's now almost impossible to avoid sugar and sugary substances in our daily diet.
The modern food industry often uses less obvious terms for sugar in ingredient lists.
Instead of sugar, you might find words like maltrose, lactose, or corn syrup.
Even so-called healthy foods, such as granola bars or various diet products, can contain these hidden sugars.
Yes, even too much fruit or smoothies can contribute to the development of a liver with excess fat accumulation.
This is because the natural sugars they contain are processed by our body in similar ways to added sugars.
What an irony: you buy a low-fat yogurt to eat healthily and, in the end, you might be promoting a liver with excess fat accumulation due to the added sugar!
What is the connection between a liver with excess fat accumulation and my failed attempts at weight loss?
The discovery about my liver difficulties initially surprised me.
But I didn't quite understand why this imbalance would suddenly make it so difficult for me to achieve my health goals.
Oliver then explained the liver’s exact role in our overall wellness.
After this explanation, I realised why I was struggling to see weight changes and always felt so tired.
Suddenly it became clear why my previous attempts at improving my health had all been unsuccessful.
"The liver is a central organ for our body's overall function. If it's not working at its best, it can be very challenging to achieve your wellness goals effectively," Oliver explained.
The liver and metabolism
Have you ever wondered how our body processes what we eat and drink?
What has become a buzzword simply refers to how our body transforms the substances it receives.
These processes mainly take place in a central organ: the liver.
The liver can be seen as a sorting and processing system for the body.
Everything we consume is transformed in such a way that we can use it for various bodily functions.
Sooner or later, everything we ingest is processed by the liver.
This applies to both medicines and food.
A piece of cake, for example, is broken down in the stomach and intestines.
Some of it is then transported to the liver, where the beneficial nutrients are used depending on what the body needs at the time.
The unusable parts are prepared for elimination.
Therefore, the liver is also considered a cleansing organ.
Up to this point, Oliver's explanation was understandable and unsurprising.
But what he told me next was something I had never heard before.
He said: "Carrying extra weight is often associated with the liver struggling to process substances effectively".
If a person can eat whatever they want and maintain their weight easily, this is often dismissed as having a "fast metabolism".
In reality, this simply means that this person's liver is functioning optimally and can process everything without any problems.
Conversely, this means that when the liver is not at its best - like mine - it reaches its limits more quickly.
This then manifests itself in fatigue and challenges with maintaining a healthy weight.
This is also the reason why it's often easier to maintain weight at a younger age - the liver is typically in better shape and not yet burdened with medications, processed foods, or alcohol.
Ideally, a well-functioning liver is able to process fats and other substances effortlessly.
You can imagine the whole thing as a sorting facility with a conveyor belt.
The workers on the assembly line have the task of sorting the usable from the unusable.
However, if the workers are overloaded and can't keep up, everything gets stored together as a temporary solution.
In some people, the liver is so overwhelmed that it can't process fats as well as it used to.
The fats consumed through food are then not used for energy, but end up stored in the body.
That's why I was struggling to see changes despite my best efforts with dieting.
My liver wasn't able to optimally process the food I was consuming every day.
"Your body's energy processing is running less efficiently because your liver is overloaded," was Oliver's conclusion.
It was clear to me: I had to find a way to support my liver's function.
Summary so far:
- A significant portion of people in Western society may be experiencing internal imbalances related to liver function.
- People carrying extra weight, in particular, might notice symptoms such as constant fatigue, dry skin and itching. Challenges with achieving weight goals despite best efforts can also be indicators of these imbalances.
- Overall body composition is closely linked to liver health.
- When the liver is overworked and struggling to function optimally, it can lead to changes in how the body processes and stores energy. This can happen even if you're not consuming excessive calories.
- Without a well-functioning liver, it can be incredibly challenging to maintain or improve your body composition.
Liver with excess fat accumulation could be cured
Oliver also had encouraging news for me.
The liver has an incredible ability to repair and regenerate itself.
According to him, supporting liver health is actually quite straightforward - some of his clients even see improvements within a few weeks.
Surprisingly, just changing your diet is not always the most efficient method.
Moreover, a diet that's too restrictive can even be counterproductive for liver health.
This is why it’s important to be cautious about extreme diets and the currently popular liver-focused fasting regimens.
These restrictive eating plans often mean consuming mainly vegetables and protein powder for a set period.
This can be very stressful and potentially harmful for the liver, and can even worsen certain nutritional deficiencies.
Certain medications aimed at managing cholesterol levels are also not always the best solution.
They might mask the symptoms without addressing the underlying issues.
These medications should only be used under specific circumstances and with professional guidance.
Instead, Oliver uses a specially developed approach to support liver health for his clients.
The method to combat liver with excess fat accumulation
Oliver has developed a special approach for people who are struggling to achieve their wellness goals due to liver-related challenges.
This method both supports liver health and strengthens other organs that are important for maintaining a healthy weight.
This includes, for example, the often underestimated bile-producing organ.
The special thing about it: you don't have to go on a restrictive diet, and the method is based on natural ingredients.
You rely on a normal, balanced diet and also use the power of nature by focusing on plant substances that have been used by humans for centuries to support liver health.
The basis of this liver-supporting method is a product from Dutch family business Greenleaf Blends, which combines ingredients that are believed to be beneficial for liver health.
The family business has collaborated with experts to create a unique composition consisting of carefully selected ingredients backed by scientific research.
One jar of Liver Detox Blend (£34.99 each) contains 60 capsules, which will last you a month.
This is only £1.17 per day. To be honest, I even have more to spare for my health, as long as I get rid of the liver with excess fat accumulation, I thought.
There was also a discount of up to £100 on the one-month treatment! This works out at £0.88 per day.
Just under £0.88 per day for the chance to finally reach my desired weight and detox and cleanse my liver at the same time?
With ingredients based on scientific studies?
The choice was easy for me: this was more than worth a try.
What's in it? And why?
It can take a long time for the liver to regenerate and improve its function if you just change your diet.
Although a change in diet is advisable, this alone may not be enough to significantly improve liver health.
It's often said: "If you lose some weight, you'll also improve your liver health".
You might even get this advice from your healthcare provider.
But there's a catch.
The challenge is that it can be difficult to lose weight permanently when your liver isn't functioning optimally.
That's why it's all the more important to actively support the regeneration of the liver and the formation of new liver cells.
You might need to focus on supporting your liver health first, before working on achieving your weight goals. Not the other way around.
Instead, the body and liver need to be actively supplied with nutrients that support the liver in its cleansing and regenerative functions.
And that's exactly what this special blend of Liver Detox was designed for.
The product consists of high doses of of milk thistle, artichoke, dandelion root and 12 more detoxing ingredients.
These natural substances have been used to promote liver health for centuries.
Meanwhile, its active ingredients have been the subject of scientific studies related to liver function.
Warning: what follows might surprise you.
The above-mentioned plants have been investigated in scientific studies for their potential effects on liver health.
And the results are quite impressive.
Milk thistle
There's a particular plant that's known for its potential benefits to liver health.
It's a natural herb with properties that may help protect cells from damage. This means it might help reduce stress on the body at a cellular level.
This plant has been the subject of numerous studies related to liver health.
One notable study from Italy is particularly interesting:

The following potential benefits can be drawn from the analysis:
- Milk thistle may support the liver’s natural cleansing processes.
- It might help protect liver cells from harmful substances.
- It could promote the liver's natural ability to renew itself.
- In animal studies, it has shown potential in supporting liver health even when exposed to certain medications and alcohol.
- It may support the production and flow of digestive fluids.
- It might enhance the liver's natural cleansing functions, especially when combined with other beneficial plants.
But there is a second, far more impressive study:

In this study, a group of people with liver health difficulties took a natural plant extract twice a day.
The study lasted for months and the participants were regularly examined to check their liver health indicators.
The impressive result: taking this plant extract led to noticeable improvements in key liver health markers!
Remember: these are the indicators that health professionals use to assess liver function.
Even when using imaging technology, the participants showed signs of improved liver health.

While milk thistle can be very beneficial for supporting liver health, it hasn't shown a significant effect on managing cholesterol levels.
That's why Oliver recommends another natural plant: the artichoke.
The artichoke has shown potential for supporting cholesterol levels, as this study demonstrates:

This study involved a group of adults who took an artichoke leaf extract daily for several weeks.
The result: the participants saw a noticeable improvement in cholesterol levels.
Artichoke also appears to have positive effects on digestion and overall wellness, and may support the body's natural digestive processes.
Most impressive, however, was another study that suggested artichoke leaf extract might have a protective effect on the liver.
This means that artichoke may help support liver health and promote the body's natural renewal processes:

This study involved a group of people who had liver with excess fat accumulation.
The participants consumed artichoke leaf extract every day for a couple of months.
The result: compared to the group that didn't take anything, those who took the artichoke extract showed signs of improved liver function and health.
This is exactly why Oliver's method seems to work so well.
You actively support and protect your liver instead of just focusing on dietary restrictions.
The result: improved overall liver health and better indicators of wellness.
"No diet in the world can match the power of natural plant extracts like artichokes and other beneficial herbs," Oliver said.
Dandelion root
Dandelion root is a powerful ingredient in Liver Detox blend.
It's present in the capsules in a concentrated form.
Dandelion root may help support the body's natural digestive processes.
These processes play an important role in how our body uses energy from food.
The liver works together with other digestive organs to process what we consume.
The liver produces a special fluid that aids in digestion, which is then stored and used when needed.
It helps break down food in our intestines.
A good balance of this fluid is important for optimal digestion and energy use.
If this balance is off, it can lead to digestive discomfort and challenges with maintaining a healthy weight.
In short: the better your digestive system works, the easier it is to maintain a healthy body composition.
Thanks to its natural properties, dandelion root may also help with occasional bloating and digestive discomfort.
The method to support liver health
To implement Oliver's approach, you can follow these steps:
- Support your liver's health: You can do this by being mindful of your sugar consumption.
- Regeneration of the liver: To help with this, you might consider natural plant extracts known for their liver-supporting properties.
- Enhance digestive balance: This can be supported with herbs that aid in digestion.

The three steps of the liver with excess fat accumulation detox method
The company behind Liver Detox Blend
What gave me some confidence: The Liver Detox Blend is not only the product of a Dutch family business, but has also been tested by an independent laboratory.
This is a very important factor, especially for liver preparations.
The Rotterdam-based company’s mission is to set new quality and sustainability standards for natural products.
Each product is designed based on the latest findings and research results and is made from the best available raw materials.
My experiment with Liver Detox Blend begins
The wellness blend contains the ingredients mentioned earlier, in concentrated extract form.
The milk thistle extract is highly concentrated compared to its natural state, which may enhance its potential benefits.
It's important to note that you should look for quality extracts when choosing supplements.
Before trying the product, I looked at customer reviews to see others' experiences.
I was impressed by what I found, especially the last review.
I decided to give the product a try for a few months.
To track my progress, I had a wellness check before and after using the product.
The results were remarkable!
My health indicators showed significant improvements, moving into healthier ranges.
But the most noticeable difference was in how I felt.
I hadn't drastically changed my diet, but I was finally seeing the results I'd been hoping for.
In the first month, I noticed only a small weight loss change.
According to Oliver, the body needs time to adjust and heal before seeing significant results.
What I noticed early on was that I felt less tired, had more energy for exercise, and had better sleep.
From the second month, I really started to see changes.
What used to feel like an uphill battle became a positive cycle:
Better health -> more energy -> more active lifestyle -> improved body composition -> overall wellness
After a few months, I had achieved my goals and, since then, have been able to maintain my progress.
It felt like I had finally overcome a major hurdle.
My overall health felt better than ever before.
As you can see, I'm very pleased with this wellness blend.
I can only recommend that you give it a try.
You have nothing to lose. You can only gain in terms of quality of life.
The company also offers a generous money-back guarantee.
That's why I'm sharing a link to their online shop, where you can order the same product I used.
I especially loved the last review.
I decided to give the product a try for 3 months .
To make the experiment even more exciting, I had another complete blood test done after 3 months.
The result was stunning!
My cholesterol has dropped slightly to 190mg/DL. Still high, but now at least within the reference range.
The surprising thing, however, was the gamma-GT value , which indicated a fatty liver disease 3 months ago.
My gamma GT value dropped from 49 U/l to only 22 U/l.
In women the value must certainly be lower than 40 U/l.
AST and ALT also improved slightly.
But the biggest difference was noticeable on the scale .
I haven't changed my diet. So I was still in a calorie deficit.
But now I finally felt the deficit on the scale.
In the first month I "only" lost 2 kg.
But I didn't expect more.
According to Oliver, the liver had to heal first so that metabolism could get going.
But what I noticed early on was that I felt less tired , that I could exercise more easily and that my sleep also improved.
From the second month onwards the kilos really started to disappear.
What used to be a downward spiral has now become an upward spiral :
Healthy liver -> more energy -> higher calorie consumption -> less body fat -> less fat on the liver
After 3 months I had lost 10 kg and since then I have been able to maintain my weight.
The handbrake was finally released.
My liver was better than ever before.
As you can see, I am completely convinced of Liver Detox blend.
I can only recommend that you give it a try.
You have nothing to lose. You can only gain quality of life - and that is guaranteed.
Greenleaf Blends offers a 365-day money-back guarantee.
That's why I'm linking you here to the Greenleaf Blends online shop, where you can also order exactly the same product.

Click the button to view Liver Detox Blend availability
What I like about the Liver Detox Blend
- It is developed by a renowned company in the Netherlands.
- The composition has been put together by experts. You can see that current leading research has been considered when developing the product.
- Greenleaf Blends offers the product at an absolutely fair price. Other liver complexes, which are of lesser quality, sometimes cost €60-80 per month. Liver Detox Blend is already available for €23 per month.
- The ingredients are natural and of the highest purity and quality.
- I think the packaging is beautiful.
- I only need to take two capsules a day to combat my liver with excess fat accumulation.

The writer
Barbara Lang struggled with excess weight challenges for more than a decade. Despite various diets, she simply could not lose weight anymore. It wasn't until she healed her liver with excess fat accumulation that she was finally able to reach her goal weight and has remained at her goal weight ever since.
Due to the many positive reactions, I have again answered a number of frequently asked questions:
What distinguishes the Liver Detox Blend from other liver products?
Milk thistle extract is more concentrated in Liver Detox Blend than in most other liver products. Choline has also been added, which is lacking in many other liver complexes. Independent laboratory testing is particularly important for liver products. There is no doubt that quality and safety are guaranteed here. The Greenleaf Blends company has a very good reputation in this regard. Unlike other companies of its type, Greenleaf is not owned by a giant supplement conglomerate that only cares about maximising profit. On the contrary, it is still a family business owned by the original founders. This is also reflected in the price - Liver Detox Blend is significantly cheaper than comparable liver products.
How long does it take before you see or feel the first changes?
Herbal nutritional supplements have a different effect on everyone, because each body determines how it handles the ingredients they contain. Therefore it is not possible to give a general answer. However, there is feedback from many customers where the first effects are reported after just under 3 weeks of regular use.
Can I also take the Liver Detox Blend without liver with excess fat accumulation?
Yes, Liver Detox Blend can also be taken preventively or if liver with excess fat accumulation is suspected. All ingredients are of natural origin. People whose liver has been burdened by diet, alcohol consumption, or medication can especially benefit from the product.
Is there a guarantee?
Yes, Greenleaf Blends has a satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied with the results within 365 days, you will receive a full refund.
8 Answers
Francine de Graaf
I'm going to try it because it turns out I have a liver condition. In hope of victory!
I'm going to try it because it turns out I have a liver condition. In hope of victory!
B. Rijn
Hello Barbara! That all sounds great and is also very well described! But what do I do if I no longer have a gallbladder and can therefore no longer split the fats? It would be very nice to get an answer to this, thanks in advance! Kind regards, B. Rijn
Hello Barbara! That all sounds great and is also very well described! But what do I do if I no longer have a gallbladder and can therefore no longer split the fats? It would be very nice to get an answer to this, thanks in advance! Kind regards, B. Rijn
Barbara Lang
Hello! If you no longer have a gallbladder, this does not mean that there is no more bile and that fats can no longer be broken down. Only bile is stored in the gallbladder. However, the fluid is produced by the liver. This means that liver health plays an even more important role without a gallbladder. Kind regards, Barbara
Hello! If you no longer have a gallbladder, this does not mean that there is no more bile and that fats can no longer be broken down. Only bile is stored in the gallbladder. However, the fluid is produced by the liver. This means that liver health plays an even more important role without a gallbladder. Kind regards, Barbara
Erika K.
Just ordered and I'm going to try it. I was diagnosed with liver concerns 2 years ago and I take cholesterol-lowering medication. But my liver problems haven't really gotten better.
Just ordered and I'm going to try it. I was diagnosed with liver concerns 2 years ago and I take cholesterol-lowering medication. But my liver problems haven't really gotten better.
Felice Kilinc
I have a question. Do you really need to change your diet? I now eat rye, potato or oat bread with different types of toppings. Add vegetables if I have them, such as cucumber and tomato. I now also eat muesli with milk because I don't like it with water. I also like to drink a whole bottle of soda or fruit juice in addition to water. I also eat fast food occasionally, but otherwise I cook with hello fresh. There are also different things like vegan, vegetarian, poultry, red meat, fish and pork.
I have a question. Do you really need to change your diet? I now eat rye, potato or oat bread with different types of toppings. Add vegetables if I have them, such as cucumber and tomato. I now also eat muesli with milk because I don't like it with water. I also like to drink a whole bottle of soda or fruit juice in addition to water. I also eat fast food occasionally, but otherwise I cook with hello fresh. There are also different things like vegan, vegetarian, poultry, red meat, fish and pork.
Barbara Lang
Hello Felice! It is important to eat healthily. Of course, if you consume way too many bad calories, even a liver cure won't work. Your diet sounds very good! Only carbonated drinks and juices are not ideal. A diet with too much sugar promotes liver with excess fat accumulation. So it is best to drink only water, tea and coffee. This alone can save you 200-300 kcal per day! Kind regards, Barbara
Hello Felice! It is important to eat healthily. Of course, if you consume way too many bad calories, even a liver cure won't work. Your diet sounds very good! Only carbonated drinks and juices are not ideal. A diet with too much sugar promotes liver with excess fat accumulation. So it is best to drink only water, tea and coffee. This alone can save you 200-300 kcal per day! Kind regards, Barbara
Can this also be taken if you have had gallbladder surgery?
Can this also be taken if you have had gallbladder surgery?
Barbara Lang
Yes, especially during gallbladder surgery, it is important to stimulate bile production in the liver.
Yes, especially during gallbladder surgery, it is important to stimulate bile production in the liver.